Top-5 Android Games to Play During Quarantine

Top-5 Android Games to Play During Quarantine  on Jumpforce Top Blog

While the entire planet is on the unplanned ‘vacation’ and we don’t know how long it will take, the best solution is to stay at home. But what to do with all the free time that you have now? You can read books, binge Netflix, or play some games on your smartphone! In this top list, we’ll tell you about 5 most immersive long-play mobile games that will help you to kill the time that you used for commuting to work.

1. Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Space and Time

This one is a great option for fans of JRPGs and long stories. The Cat Beyond Space and Time features an extremely exciting and, of course, long story flavored with numerous turn-based fightings. The combat system is pretty easy to learn, which is a positive point if you want to concentrate on the complex story of the game. You play a boy named Aldo and his sister Feinne. Both of them live peacefully, but one day the Beast King sets them apart and throws Aldo 800 into the future. 

The game was created by Wright Flyer Studios in collaboration with writer Masato Kato, who’s famous for scripts for such games as Ninja Gaiden, Shiren the Wanderer, The Legend of Legacy, Heroes of Mana, and Final Fantasy XI. Besides, the studio invited the composer Yasunori Mitsuda who’s the author of soundtracks for the Chrono series, Xenogears, Black Butler anime, and over a dozen other popular Japanese titles. 

2. Call of Duty Mobile

Do you like multiplayer first-person shooters more than RPGs? Then the new Call of Duty Mobile will help you to kill time with tons of fun. This multiplayer shooter includes plenty of modes and classic Call of Duty maps. Moreover, it’s the first mobile CoD that has a Battle Royale mode in which you can fight against multiple enemies at the same time. 

Besides, you can experience the fan-favorite Zombies mode. It’s an awesome semi-horror in which you have to withstand against endless hordes of zombies. In the new Raid mode, you can fight against a set number of the walking dead to unlock a severe boss fight. 

As for the more realistic modes, you can enjoy endless hours of matches against random people from all over the world! You can play all the modes of the game for free or purchase the seasonal battle pass every 2 months to obtain extra cosmetic items, such as weapon skins and outfits. Call of Duty Mobile is an excellent multiplayer spin-off that will please you with the firm CoD atmosphere and gameplay mechanics. 

3. Plague Inc. 

This game looks like a bad joke if you take the COVID-19 pandemic into consideration. However, Plague Inc. was published years ago before the quarantine, and it’s really fun! In fact, it’s a simulator of a pandemic that lets you create a virus strain, give it any name that comes into your head and manage the speedy spreading all over the world. There are several groups of features that you can add to your virus to make it more powerful and change its behavior. 

The longer you foster the virus, the more panic it causes in the world. You can see the reactions of world leaders and people via the news reports. If you don’t like realistic pandemics, you can also make your virus to turn infected people and animals into blood starving monsters or even vampires! Depending on the virus type you choose, you will see a different pandemic scenario, which means that Plague Inc. is highly replayable and will help you kill a lot of time. 

4. Pac-Man 256: Endless Maze

Hopefully, the COVID-19 pandemic won’t be as endless as this game. Pac-Man 256: Endless Maze is a new mobile arcade inspired by the famous retro arcade machine of the 1980s, Pac-Man. Unlike the original game, this one offers you to challenge yourself in an endless Pac-Man adventure. The special algorithm generates the maze in real-time so that you can enjoy the gameplay as long as you can keep moving without mistakes. The rules are the same as in the classic game, but there’s no limit to the number of ghosts and points. 

You can also unlock dozens of color themes or purchase them via in-game purchases. The game was created in collaboration with Hipster Whale, the studio behind Crossy Road. That’s why both games look and feel so similar. Designers from this studio are the best when it comes to creating loads of fun graphical content. Bandai Namco was right, giving them this project!

5. DOTA Underlords

At last, a spin-off of this great strategy series is available for mobile! Moreover, it’s enabled crossplay between Mac, PC, iOS, and Android, so that you can play with any of your friends. Unlike DOTA 2, it’s not a MOBA game, but an automatic competitive battler strategy inspired by chess. Before the beginning of each battle, you have to place your heroes on an 8x8 field to have the most advantageous positions when the battle starts. Every online match features up to 8 heroes of the same or different classes. Similarly to Battle Royale games, you have to eliminate all the enemies to become the last hero standing. 

Besides, you can unite in improvised teams and play with a friend on separate boards. This mode lets you split resources with your teammate. The team that earns the highest combined damage wins the match. 

If you’re not ready for multiplayer, you can train with the bots in the single-player mode. In the freestyle mode, you can also practice making any combinations you like without player level limitations. Although DOTA Underlords is so different from the original mainline titles, it preserves the atmosphere and key features.  

Stay Safe!

Now you know what to play on your smartphone during the COVID-19 quarantine. All of these games are completely free to play and let you stay in touch with your friends in the multiplayer so that you don’t feel abandoned. Plug into the socket and get ready for long hours of play. We recommend you to stay at home as long as you can and avoid contacting other people. What games do you play during the quarantine? Share your findings in the comments and share the list with your friends to choose something to play together!

Brice Fulton

Reader, Internet enthusiast, wannabe music and meme expert.

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