Google Chrome Explores Advanced Document Picture-in-Picture Feature

Google Chrome Explores Advanced Document Picture-in-Picture Feature on Jumpforce Top Blog

Google is reportedly working on a more advanced version of its Picture-in-Picture (PiP) feature for the Chrome browser. The new ‘Document in Picture-in-Picture’ mode is expected to bring more custom controls and inputs than the existing one. It will also allow users to combine multiple streams into a single PiP window.

The current Picture-in-Picture support for videos allows only limited inputs and styling options. However, the new Document in PiP for Chrome will provide more custom controls and inputs. This will enable users to adjust the size and position of the PiP window and also create custom overlays. Additionally, the feature will allow users to add multiple streams into the same PiP window.

The feature is currently in the developer trial phase. Developers can already get access to the feature in Chrome Canary and Chrome Dev channels. It is expected that the feature will eventually be rolled out to all Chrome users.

Google’s advanced Document in Picture-in-Picture feature for Chrome browser is expected to bring more options for users than the existing one. It will allow users to combine multiple streams into a single PiP window, adjust the size and position of the window, and create custom overlays. The feature is currently in the developer trial phase and will be available to all Chrome users soon.


Jacob Hill

Avid rhyme maker, master of ceremonies, lord of the phones.

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