MATH 42 Free
  • Author: Cogeon
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5of 5
4.5of 5
5of 5
4.5of 5
Cross-platform use

MATH 42 is an advanced math calculator by Chegg Inc. It allows you to solve mathematical problems, and train your maths skills in various exercises. This app supports smart input of complicated formulas and functions in accordance with higher math rules. Over 2 million high school and college students apply this app daily. You can download MATH 42 for your iOS and Android mobile devices.

Functionality 5/5

MATH 42 app allows you to learn functions, equations, and matrices. Smart input of formulas and automatic approach suggestions save your time on typing and browsing. You can learn new solutions with comprehensive step-by-step guides, interactive graphs, and examples.

Design 4.5/5

Both iOS and Android versions that were tested for this MATH 42 review have the same design. The math keyboard is highly convenient for inputting and editing formulas. The tablet version looks a bit weird as a lot of screen space remains unused while sizes of formulas and interface elements are the same as in the mobile version.

Usability 5/5

MATH 42 latest version provides a wide range of tools for studying mathematics. You have to enter a formula to receive an instant smart suggestion on how to solve a particular problem. Due to instant calculation, you can see results at all stages and analyze them. All solutions come with comprehensive explanations.

Assessment Center provides you with exercises for every topic and difficulty level. In the Training mode, you can follow each step of solving problems with instructions. After that, enter the Test mode to figure out your strengths and weaknesses. The overall statistics will show you how you progress. Highly experienced private math tutors created all tasks and explanation materials.

Cross-platform use 4.5/5

MATH 42 free app is available only for iOS and Android mobile devices. Unfortunately, you can’t access your account from a desktop. However, it’s highly convenient to use MATH 42 in the classroom and on the go.

In-app purchases

MATH 42 free download is available for you on Play Market and App Store. The full learning program with exercises and explanations is available for free as well. You can additionally download Chegg Math Solver to convert handwritten math expressions into digital figures using your mobile camera.

The Bottom Line

MATH 42 is a must-have pocket math tutor for school and university students. It allows you to learn how to solve complicated mathematical problems with comprehensive step-by-step guides by the best pedagogues and tutors. Moreover, all features are available for free! Learning math has never been so exciting and interactive before.

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