
Homescapes Free
  • Author: Playrix
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4.5of 5
4of 5
4.5of 5
4.5of 5
Replay Value

Homescapes is a game developed by Playrix Games. This game was released in 2017, and is available to play on Android, iOS, and Facebook. The objective of the game is to restore and rebuild a house. The player does this by making repairs and redecorating rooms. There are different locations that the player can explore, each consisting of a different type of furniture and decoration. The player can choose from six different characters to play with.


The player has to complete different levels in order to advance. To complete a level, the player has to complete the tasks assigned to them. The player can make repairs to the house, for example by removing broken furniture and replacing it with new items. The player can also make repairs by fixing the exterior of the house. Once the player completes a level, they are rewarded with stars. Once the player accumulates 10 stars, they are able to unlock a different location.


The graphics are not the best but are not bad either. The graphics are good enough to be able to see the different items in the house and to be able to distinguish the different locations.


There are different game modes that the player can play, such as story mode, timed mode, and puzzle mode. The player can also unlock different locations by accumulating stars.


  • The player is rewarded with stars once they complete a level;
  • The player can also unlock different locations;
  • The player has the opportunity to redecorate the house and make it their own;


  • The player has to wait for a certain amount of time to complete a task;
  • The player has to wait in order to buy the different items needed to complete the level;
  • The player can only play the game in one location at a time;


Homescapes is a game that is really good for people that like to redecorate and design things. The level of difficulty of the game is not too hard or too easy, which makes the game really interesting.

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