3 Simple Cross-Android Data Transfer Methods

3 Simple Cross-Android Data Transfer Methods  on Jumpforce Top Blog

Do you transfer multiple files from one Android device to another one by one? It’s time to stop then! Most likely, your old device is overflowing with photos, videos, contacts, and various other important files. Sending them to a new smartphone manually is a big deal. If you don’t want to waste hours, read on to learn about the 3 most convenient methods to transfer large data packages much faster. 

Method 1 – Automatic Transfer Via Google Account

If you are an Android user, you are likely to have a connected Google account. You can open it using any Google service. However, for data transfer, you need a Google Drive app installed. Once you install it, Google will provide you with 15GB of free cloud storage for an unlimited time. It’s quite enough to upload a pretty large library of photos and videos. 

If your media gallery is bigger than that, you can expand the cloud storage for a reasonable price. Note that you don’t have to purchase extra storage for a year. The cheapest 1-month plan costs just $1.99 for an additional 100GB. This will be enough not only for your gallery but for the Play Music library too. 

Another benefit of this transfer method is automatic user data synchronization. To activate it, you have to link your new Android device to the same Google account as your old one. Next, you have to go to the account settings and check if synchronization between devices is enabled. Activate it and wait a few minutes for passwords, contacts, calendars, and other files to be uploaded. 

In case your new device is linked to another account, you should go to the Account settings on the old device and add the new account. Now, browse for the Backup & Reset menu in the settings and check “Back up my data.” Next, all data will be saved on your new Google account automatically. Finally, to access the data from the backup on the new device, go to Backup & Reset again. Check the “Restore” option and wait a few minutes until the data gets restored. 

Method 2 – Selective Transfer Via The Mobikin App

Mobikin Transfer for Mobile is perhaps the fastest way to transfer both personal data and media files from one device to another. It’s a winner method when it comes to the setup. If you don’t feel like going through all stages of the first method, you can save time and nerves using Mobikin. This fully automated pro-level tool lets you transfer messages, contacts, documents, music, photo, video, calendar records, passwords, and other important data in a few taps. Moreover, it’s supported by a large variety of Android devices by all major manufacturers.

To start from scratch, go to your computer and browse for the Mobikin official website. There, you can download the Mobikin Transfer for Mobile PC bundle for free. The installation will take less than a minute. Now you have to connect both new and old Android devices via USB cables. Once the app detects both gadgets, you are ready to start the transfer. 

In the main menu of Mobikin Transfer for Mobile, you will see a panel with all files on the device. Here you can select files that you really need. It’s an excellent occasion to get rid of useless files. Next, click the “Start Copy” command and wait for the notification at the end of copying. It may take up to 30 minutes, depending on the bandwidth of the USB type that you use and the amount of data. We recommend you to enable the Flight mode on both devices to avoid collapses. 

Besides, you can use the Mobikin Assistant for the Android module to make regular backups on a computer and restore data if you lose your device. This method is slightly simpler than Google Drive backup, but you can’t use it without a computer. 

Method 3 – Slow-But-Working Wireless Transfer Via Bluetooth 

Bluetooth is the oldest data-transferring interface used on modern smartphones. It’s not as fast as USB or WiFi, but still, an excellent way to exchange small files between Android devices. Take your old and new devices, put them close enough (within 10 meters), and prepare to set up.

Turn on the Bluetooth on both smartphones. You can do it in the settings or in the hidden notification bar at the top of the screen. Both gadgets will start to search for the nearest Bluetooth device. The name of your new device will pop up on the list. Tap it and pair devices using the passcode. If you don’t know the digits, you can check them out in the Bluetooth settings. 

Now you can go to the file system of your old device and select files for transferring. Bluetooth doesn’t support multiple files uploading, so you have to select and send each file separately. The process may take a lot of time if you need to send multiple files, so it’s not recommended for large amounts of data. 

Extra Data Transfer Tips

Some Android devices, such as Samsung and LG, offer proprietary solutions for transferring data. Samsung Smart Switch and LG Mobile Switch let you copy the entire database of your old device to the new one. But unfortunately, both apps don’t let you link with competitor’s devices. Other manufacturers, such as Xiaomi and Meizu, can connect to devices of other brands, but the results are not good enough sometimes. 

If the only thing that you want to transfer is the photo gallery, we recommend you to use the Google Photos app. It’s available for any Android and iOS device. In the app’s settings, you can enable the Backup & Sync feature, and all your photos will be automatically uploaded to the cloud. The good news is that the Photos cloud is provided separately from Google Drive and has no storage and image resolution restrictions. 

Save Every Moment

Using these methods, you will never lose bright moments of your life and valuable files when switching to a new smartphone. Now you don’t have to waste time copying contacts manually, refilling your calendar, downloading the entire music library, and organizing the workflow. The simplest method is provided by the Mobikin PC app, but now you also know how to get by without a computer.

Brice Fulton

Reader, Internet enthusiast, wannabe music and meme expert.

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